博客來精選推薦Deviant Women- Cultural, Linguistic and Literary Approaches to Narratives of Femininity
Deviant Women- Cultural, Linguistic and Literary Approaches to Narratives of Femininity
Deviant Women- Cultural, Linguistic and Literary Approaches to Narratives of Femininity 評價
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Deviant Women- Cultural, Linguistic and Literary Approaches to Narratives of Femininity
Whither Fanon-- Studies in the Blackness of Being ![]() |
Poetics and Precarity ![]() |
Editors M?ntym?ki, Rodi-Risberg, and Foka present students, academics, and researchers in a variety of fields with a collection of academic articles and essays from writers in a variety of disciplines, focused on the concept of female deviance and its representation, appropriation, re-inscription, and re-figuration in texts ranging in time, culture, and genre. The ten selections that make up the bulk of the text are organized in three parts, focused on historical and cultural perspectives on deviance, contemporaneity, subjectivity, violence, visibility, and invisibility. Anna Foka is a faculty member of Umea University, Sweden. Tiina M?ntym?ki and Marinella Rodi-Risberg are faculty members of University of Vaasa, Finland. Annotation ?2015 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (protoview.com)
- 作者: Mantymaki, Tiina (EDT)/ Rodi-risberg, Marinella (EDT)/ Foka, Anna (EDT)
- 原文出版社:Peter Lang Pub Inc
- 出版日期:2014/12/10
- 語言:英文
台中水晶店Deviant Women- Cultural, Linguistic and Literary Approaches to Narratives of Femininity